• In extremely cold temperatures, it’s crucial to take steps to protect yourself from frostbite and hypothermia. Frostbite can occur in minutes when skin is exposed to freezing temperatures, especially on extremities like fingers, toes, ears, and the nose. To stay safe, wear several layers of loose, warm clothing, and ensure that your hands, feet, and head are well-covered with insulated gloves, thick socks, and a hat. Avoid staying outside for long periods, and watch for signs of frostbite, such as numbness, tingling, or pale, hard skin. If you suspect frostbite, seek warmth immediately and avoid rubbing the affected area, as this can cause further damage. We encourage staying indoors during extreme cold, staying hydrated, and checking on others, especially the elderly or those with health conditions, are also vital to prevent cold-related injuries. When to see a doctor: Other than frostnip, frostbite injuries need to be checked by a healthcare professional to […]